Thursday, September 30, 2004

Oh, it's a good life!

It's amazing really....I had three tests this week. One was not that hard, one was really hard, and the other was huge. (When I say huge, the only people who will understand what I'm talking about are the people who have had Dr. Peter Melvin's Financial Management class, Finance 310) That was the test. One out of two baby. It was a doozy, but it's over as of 10 minutes ago and I feel good about it. I studied my butt off for all of these tests.

Last week I had, I guess you could say, a wake-up call or wow time with God. I don't know what really happened, but it changed me, really. And what is so amazing is that this week normally would have been so stressful and tiring and I would have been in a bad mood and always on the go and just mean to people. But I haven't. I've been quite nice actually. I haven't been stressed out like I thought I would be. I've been calm and collective and having a good week. It's actually one of my best weeks. So you see, God is good. When I least expect and most of the time don't even know He's working, He is. He's changing me for the better and changing my heart.

Thank God for hard times that bring new growth.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Chats, talks, and the like...

So...this week has gone so much better. Probably the best week since I've been back in SC. Classes have been going well and I haven't been overly stressed and support has been productive. I had one appointment this week and I had so much fun at it. It was really great. It's great when appointments are fun and you enjoy them. So now I have another supporter, which is wonderful. And last night I got to go to Clemson FCA and see Adrian Despres and my friend, Jamie Bryson, who has been interning at Kingdom Building Ministries. So that was really a great encouragement and I had a great time. Next week I'm going to record Dave Ward for them. It is really nice to be able to serve KBM like this when I'm not even there. I like it and I missed it.

For those of you who have ever been engaged or are now or plan to be...what I am doing right now is kind of like that. But just kind of. This whole waiting to move thing is killing me. It's really hard to know where God wants you to be and know what He wants you to do and you want to be there also, but not be able to be there. It's hard. But reading the other morning God reminded me that I shouldn't want to leave somewhere too fast. I'm in every place at the perfect time. So here I am, just trying to be patient and wait and learn.

Monday, September 20, 2004


I'm so happy. I finally found a tutor for Managerial Accounting. And I don't feel so lost so that's such a relief. Really, a weight lifted off of me. The sad news is that I'm going to have to drop a class so I can meet with my teacher during the only time she has office hours. I have to drop Aerobics. I'm so sad. I loved that class. So I picked up a Drop/Add slip today. Sadness overwhelms me.

Sunday, September 19, 2004


This morning I was back at New Spring. I was out of town last weekend. We sang "I Can Only Imagine". We hadn't sung it in a while and frankly I hadn't heard it in a while. (Except for on that commercial for that radio station that plays both country and christian music.) Anyway, I can say that for the first time while singing that song I was imagining and thinking about it and I thought "friend". Jesus Christ is my friend, my best friend. He's my confidante that I have come to adore. In the past, when singing that song, I had thought big God, oh holy God. This time, it was more personal and standing there singing those words I thought "friend". I thought that in that moment the thing that I would want more than anything would be a hug from Him. A real hug that touched me as I embraced Him for the first time. It is something that I have longed for for so long and it would be happening. This may sound "corny" to some, but it's something huge to me. Jesus Christ, my best friend, truly.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day!

I don't know what it is about songs that they just come to me, especially when writing on my dear blog.

For the last couple of days I've seen people running and have been so envious that they could, because I miss it so much. So...yesterday, while it was still raining and the wind was blowing, I went running. I know that some people were totally looking at me funny and thinking, that stupid girl, doesn't she know there's a hurricane coming? But I had a great time, I got wet, but still, great time.

And then last night...The Apprentice. I can't believe that guy was so stupid as to give his exemption up, and then he gets fired. That's just funny. I felt kind of bad for him, but I guess he's learned now. Oh well.

I got a few more supporters this weekend and I'm so thrilled. Thanks to Miss Heather May and Miss Yvonne Lowne, whoo hoo! God has really been providing me so many opportunities to share about my ministry and what it entails and to talk to people about supporting me. I don't even try to find them most of the time, they ask me. It's really great! God's working despite me.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Rejuvination? sp?

The beginning of this week had to be the worst ever. Everything that could go wrong did and nothing seemed to be going my way. I was exhausted and worn out from being on the go all the time. But yesterday morning I made an executive decision and decided I was skipping as many classes as possible yesterday. I did this so as to catch up on some work and just relax, which I needed very much. I skipped weight-lifting and aerobics which I felt bad about, mostly because of the teachers. I don't want them to think their classes are jokes to me, cause they aren't. I appreciate their class and their teaching, but I just had to do it. You know? And then in the afternoon I took a wonderful nap, which was extremely needed. I felt like a new woman.

Let just that on a previous blog I had written accidentally that I was in love with someone. I meant to write that I was not in love with someone. Sorry about the confusion and little slight moment of freaking out for those of you who saw it and wondered. Believe you me, that if I were in love with someone you would not be finding out on my blog. Give me a little more credit than that.

This morning was a very important senior seminar class which is a huge portion of our grade. Someone who will remain nameless somehow didn't save their cheat sheet for the test (which we are allowed to have) and was totally freaking out before Dr. Karnes came in. Really, it was quite humerous. So thank you nameless person for bringing a little more humor to our lives and helping us to relax before the test and using yourself to do it! You are appreciated!

Another shocking realization of mine this morning I am in the bathroom of Sullivan's I realize...there is a hole in my skirt. This hole was not a very good place if you know what I mean. So as Lindsay was such a dear to make me my coffee and put it on my table ready for me to drink, I had to rush and get it to go. WOW! I was a little flustered by this having already been to class this morning and realizing later that I had a hole in my skirt. And really, who knows how long it's been there. This was the 3rd time I'd worn this skirt in the past week. Holy cow! So I run home and frantically look for needle and thread to sew the seem back. Luckily, I fixed it and am now okay, but very paranoid that it will happen again. This is my $5 Limited skirt that I got at Goodwill a few years ago. It was a good buy, but maybe it's time is up. It sure has seen better days.

Another funny dog at home can smile. Really, he can. I'll have to get a pic and show everyone. He'll smile for food. He shows all his teeth and it's really the most hilarious thing I've seen in a long time.

And someone please tell me, is it normal for younger boys to chop animals into peices? My brother found some animal trap and it didn't work like he thought. This possum went to grab the peanut butter that was inside and the door slammed down and chopped the possum's paws off. My bro felt bad, so he tried to put him out of his misery by beating him with a hammer and when that didn't work, he got an ax and chopped his head off. The funniest part of the whole thing is that...we live on some tee box on the golf course and he went and put the dead possum and it's head on the tee box for some golfers to find. Those grown men were freaking out like nothing else. It's crazy!

Love you all.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Problems and frustration

I'm hoping that this blog actually makes it up on my blog. I have written two since the last one on hobbies and if I must say so myself, they were quite good. But no one will ever read them becuase for some reason my blogspot is taking FOREVER to put things up and I don't have time to wait. It's just not working for me. I think my blog is too big, but what am I supposed to do about that. And...Michelle's blog is no longer available and that is not cool. Matt's is doing something funny. Am I the only one still writing on these things? Hello? Anyone out there?

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Love is a beautiful thing!

The title is sung to the melody of that song. Can you hear it now?

No, no, don't anyone freak out, I'm in love with someone. That would interesting though. Sorry, forget about that.

Love. It's what I've been studying lately. I truly believe that love is something that we Christians forget many times. Love is the main theme to the Scriptures. It's what every book resonates in some way or another. Everything that has ever happened in life and in the scriptures was because of love. Either it was the abundance of it or the lack of it. Love is something so strong and wonderful, but without it it can be deadly and hurtful and lead you to do horrible things. Throughout the Scriptures our Heavenly Father teaches about the importance of loving others. 1 Corinthians talks about in chapter 13. If you have not love you have nothing. In other words, who cares if you have prophetic gifts, you know the Bible like the back, of your hand, you have faith coming out of your ears, you know theology like crazy and so forth, it does no good and it doesn't matter if you don't love others. Learn to love before you learn anything else. When our Lord comes back He won't care about any of the above mentioned, but rather, who did you love and with what great measure and sacrifice did you do it with?

(Just my thoughts on something that's burning deep inside!)

Question: Why do some men find it necessary and think it somehow turns women on when they unbutton their shirts most of the way and let their chest hair hang out. Frankly, it's disgusting.

I would like to give a shoutout to my long distance friends. A Ms. Amy Kaylor and a Ms. Heather May. I love you both. I can't wait to see you soon.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

New Hobbies!

So....yesterday Katie (my new roommate) and I decided we would ride our bikes for the first time in a long time. Mine hadn't been ridden in so long it had spider webs all over it in which I had to get off. Yuck! But we headed on our merry way. We're riding along and we realize both my tires are kind of flat so we stopped off at a friend's house and he took my bike to get air in the tires while we played with his dog. We got my bike back and we decided Chick-Fil-A sounded good and that we would ride out bikes there. It was so much fun. The way there was kind of downhill so that was good. We had lunched and talked a long time and then had to ride that downhill back uphill. It was a little tiring, I must admit. But we had sooo much and definitely want to continue doing it. And we've asked Jason and Kelly to teach us how to Kayak. We're so excited about that one. I love being in the outdoors and sweating and getting dirty and having tired muscles. It's so great! I sure can't wait to move to Colorado where it's all around me. I wish I were there right now. I would love a tall, no-fat, white mocha with no whip from Starbucks or a Mango-A-Go-Go from Jamba Juice. Good times. I think I'll go up to Joe Mugs. Bye!

Friday, September 03, 2004


Why is it that some mornings you wake up and look so cute. Your hair is cute and you don't have major bags under your eyes and you look cute. But other mornings you like you've been run over by a huge truck and then a dog crapped on you. Why is that? It's still a mystery to me.

Why does ice cream always make everything better? Baskin Robbins Ice Cream. Yummy. Ice cream does weird things to me. For those of you who have not seen me when I enter into BR, it's interesting. I get gitty and excited and sort of like I'm a little flighty. Ice cream is just one of those things that I get majorly excited about in life!

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Not sure

I never really know what to call these things. Why do I have to have a title. It really throws me off. more thing that would be great to be able to do on these things is know how to put up links of my friends' blogs.

Well...for those of you who care, I've been extremely stressed and running ragged. I don't feel like I've quit moving since I arrived in SC. There is so much to do that I'm already doing and so much that is just weighing over my head that I know I need to do, but I just don't have time to do. I'm also partly scared of doing it.

But through much prayers these past mornings God has been answering some prayers slowly, but surely. He's helped me put some things into perspective and showed me my heart. I'm still searching and learning, but it's good.

(I know, I am so vague in these things, but if you e-mail me I might tell you more details. But I'm just not at the point right now, where I can just pour out my thoughts and feelings completely on this thing. )

Well...I'm off to Leadership class and then to work. Thank goodness for payday! I need money so badly it's not funny. Ta Ta! Yea for e-mails you never thought you'd get.