I got my first official ministry partner!!!! I am so excited. You I've been praying through this journey that I am on (and I do mean a journey) I am reminded of God's faithfulness to provide. It would be very easy for some to look at support raising for their income as a burden and a chore. As something that has to be done. But I thank God that He has given me new eyes to see with. This is not a problem or a burden of some sort, this is a blessing. God has chosen me to do this and to experience this, knowing that I could and I would. This is an incredible opportunity to put every ounce of trust and faith I have in Him, to see Him as a great provider and as the only true one, and to grow like never before. Now...I know this is not going to be an easy journey, it hasn't been so far, but no one said it would be easy. It's going to excited and fun, stressful, and most of all stretching. I count myself blessed that I can experience this in my life and know God in this very special way. I don't think many people will ever have this opportunity like I have. I am excited to see changed lives through this journey, including my own!!! I do covet all of your prayers as I am on this journey of faith: prayers for provision and most of all that I would not doubt, but trust always! Thanks!