Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Faithfulness to provide!

God is sooo good. He has been so faithful to provide for me this summer. I was worried coming into the summer with how I was going to get fundage to pay my personal bills. Not having any money coming in would be hard. And everyone knows that I'm not very good at saving money when I do have it. Although I would like to let everyone know that I have done much better this time than in the past. Point being, God has provided me opportunities to make a little cash on the side, which is soooo nice. God is sooo good.

Training is STILL going on here at KBM. Support raising training for all the staff. My back hurts so much from sitting for three long days. But it is good information. This guy that teaches it is so funny because he erupts into laughter at the most random times. When I say random, I mean random, it so does not fit in with what he's talking about. It's not even normal laughter, but loud and strong. It's hilarious. But it keeps us all awake, which is nice.

I was happy to see yesterday that my friend, Mr. Tolbert, has mentioned me in his blog. What a precious thing to do. Good friends are wonderful blessings that I am constantly amazed I have. But so thankful for.

Has anyone else ever wanted to be a pilot other than me. I do, just for the mere fact that if I were in trouble and needed to get out of town fast, I could and wouldn't have to worry about someone flying the plane for me. I could do it. Wouldn't that be exhilerating?

Monday, June 28, 2004

What in the world?

So...a lot has been happening here in my life lately. Not sure I'm ready for all of it, but nonetheless here it is. Sometimes I wish I were sixteen still and my dad was making all of my decisions for me. But that's not the case, I'm supposedly mature and an adult now, so here it goes. Life, what to do with it. So...Kingdom Building Ministries has offered me a job here starting in January. Actually January 1st. To tell you the truth, I was not expecting that AT ALL. I mean I was hoping, but had no idea it was coming, and so soon. So here I am praying and thinking through all of this. KBM, holy cow, what a great opportunity. But leaving Anderson and my friends, my life, my church, my house, my family, all of that it is a lot that I was not expecting to have to face so soon and so alone. But then again, God is in heaven and He does whatever He chooses. He knows the path for my life and although my life seems upside down right now like I don't know what I'm doing or am going to do, it is so comforting to know that God has a plan for it. He decided a long time ago where and when I would serve Him. That is wonderful news to me. If I am obedient there are no worries. I just pray that I ears and my heart would be listening to what it is that God is trying to tell me. On one end I don't want to except this job position because it would be exciting and adventurous, but I don't want to stay in Anderson because it's comfortable for me there. Just seeking God on this. I am completely honored that KBM would even ask me to come on board with them. I hope and pray that all of you will be able to experience and encounter KBM at a close glance so that you can see what I see in them. They are a completely faith-driven organization that is AMAZING. They've got it right and God is all over this place and the people who are a part of it. I just hope that I can have a positive contribution in some way. I think I have found my place. (in this world) Isn't that a REALLY old song by Michael W. Smith? I think so. SIDE NOTE: What is it about Christian stations that no matter what year or decade it is, they play EVERY Christian song ever written, even if it was 25 years ago. I mean, come on. How about taking a class.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

They're finally over!

So...the tornados and thunderstorms have finally ended. Now...back to nice Colorado weather. It's about time.

Does anyone else have a problem with losing sunglasses as bad as I do? I really and truly doubt it, but you can try. I lost my sunglasses AGAIN. I just bought them last weekend. What is about those things. I think they are like socks in the dryer. Where do those blasted things go? Socks and sunglasses, one in the same. One of those funny things in life.

So...this whole cook thing is definitely a possibility. Or maybe I'll just have people over to my house a lot for dinner. I hope you don't mind ladies! I've been trying all of these new recipes lately and they are so good. The other day I made Snickerdoodles and Coffee Bean Cookies. Those coffee bean cookies were so cute. They were shaped like little coffee beans. Adorable. Yesterday I experimented and made mint-chocolate chip cookies and shortbread. Both turned out very good. And last night Amy (my roommate) and I attempted Chicken Parmesan Loaf. WARNING! This takes forever and you will get messy. The sight of it was horrible, it was the uggliest thing I have ever made. But we sure did win points for taste. It was delicious. I hope to make for everyone soon. I am going to attempt to make it for my family when they arrive in two weeks. Let's hope it looks a little better this time.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Life, whoo! has been quite an interesting day. I should say this week has. Between the tornados and thunderstorms, Lenarcians and Niociens and Silas and Aynsley, this has been interesting. Silas and Aynsley are my two favorite children in the whole world. And two of the smartest I'm sure. Lenarcians and Niociens is a game that we play at The Laborer's Institute for Young Adults. The students are leaving on Saturday and Sunday to head overseas to Southeast Asia. One team to Thailand and the other to China. This is kind of a thing where we make them pack their bags as if their going. (This bag can only be so big and can only weight 25 lbs. at the most.) We make gross food and check and make sure everything is right and they have to do a cultural exercise. It's really quite interesting and fun. And the tornados. What in the world?!?!?! I've never experienced them before. Not that I even sat through these. But they were in the same county. They have sirens here that go off and some lady comes through a sound system telling you to take cover. Interesting. Kind of scary. I tend to get a little paranoid. Oh well. All is well.

Tonight a dear friend, Kristen, and I are headed to my most favorite restaurant, Outback! She just moved here with her family from the east coast and they are in Aurora with me! How fun is that? An old friend in a new place. God is good.

Speaking of....yesterday we had a great class on this book called, "The Dream Cycle". I have not actually read it, but he author led the seminar. It's about discovering the dreams that God has for your life. And not only finding them out, but doing them. But through that you must be growing. So he introduced growing on purpose. A growth plan, which is a great idea. I don't hardly know a single person that has a growth plan. The cycle is basically a year and you continue with it your whole life. You have people holding you accountable for your plan and it's great. It's more than growing spiritually too, but that's a big part. You grow in health and fitness and in your interests, skills, spiritual gifts, and many more. I would be more than happy to share it all with anyone. It's a wonderful idea and works. I highly recommend it. Why wouldn't you want to grow on purpose rather than going through life hoping it works adn hoping that something has worked to help you to grow. It only makes sense to me.

You's funny how God works. More and more as my life goes on and I grow I learn to hear God's voice more clearly, rather recognize it as His. There's a great peace in that, knowing it's Him talking to you. And it's funny how He does speak to me. (Maybe it's not just me that He speaks funny to.) Lately, things that have been frustrating me and bothering me are answers to prayers. I've been praying that God would really humble me and teach me to be a servant to His people and in His Kingdom. And yet, I get frustrated when things happen and then God says, "I'm just doing what you asked me to do." That's right, I'm a moron and forget, again. I just have to laugh.

For those of you who read this...please keep Shannon Griffin in your prayers as she is in India serving. She has seen some amazing things and God is most definitely working there. There are people asking about Jesus and wanting to know more and people are so close to answering His voice. Pray for fruit and for courage for Shannon. Thank you all so much.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004


So...yesterday I finally got some information on some graduate schools in NYC. Not sure about them though or if that's what I want to do. What about cooking school? There's an idea. I love to cook for other people and I love to try new recipes. I know, I'm a dork. What can I say? I could be one of those goodlooking chefs with a huge hat and wear those double-breasted coat things. I could name my restaurant after myself, like Rocco did. Or maybe not. That would be lame.

OK, so must share the news. In which, a Ms. Lanna will be so happy. I finally watched Lord of the Rings. The first and second one. And getting ready to watch the third. They weren't that bad. So many characters and such. I still don't know what all happened in the flick. I thought she would be happy.

At KBM today and work has begun to pile up. The students leave for Asia on Saturday and the high school students arrive for the summer. There is a lot of prep on my part that has to be done. Boy am I swamped. But I will survive, just in one of those "don't filter anything that comes through my head, I just say it" kind of moods now. It's really quite humerous if you listen closely.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Holy Cow!

So...I really don't know how long it's been since I have written in this thing. But here goes....this past weekend we went up into the mountains for a spiritual retreat. We went into the Rockies about 30 min. south of The Springs. Boy did I need that! I got to spend a lot of quality time with God, which I needed. We played volleyball and frisbee and watched movies and hiked and went to The Garden of the Gods (I think that was my fourth time.). Good times were had by all. I managed to fall on flat ground (not surprising) and scrape up both my knees. I haven't scraped up my knees like that since I was in middle school I think. Then playing volleyball I bruised my forearms so badly that I looked like someone had been beating me or I was a heroin addict. None of which are true. That is what you get for bruising like a peach I guess. Thanks for the genes mom.

That Sunday night Adrian Despres spoke about loving those inside the Kingdom. We can't love others until we can love ourselves and we can't love ourselves for who we are unless we know and understand that God loves us like no one else does or ever will. God convicted me about my attitude and some things I've been thinking and acting on. God really spoke to me through Adrian that night. I know people say that, but never like this before. I don't feel like Adrian and his message were speaking to me. I feel like that God spoke through Adrian's voice to me. I was amazing and lifted my spirits so much. God encouraged me so much that night and I can honestly say I have not been the same since. It was wonderful.

The beginning of the work week started off wonderful! I got some great news and so many e-mails, cards, and packages from the best friends in the whole world! I will argue anyone on that. They are amazing! Good ol' Michelle sent me a stuffed giraffe in the mail. First, a little, "What the heck?" Then, "OHhh". It was cute and a wonderful thought. Don't know what I'll name it yet. Any thoughts?

Tuesday night me and my shopping buddies, Heather and Steve, went to Colorado Mills to spend some money! And and boy did we! Yea for cheap stores. Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner. Yum! Yum!

Last night was the Summer Staff Appreciation Dinner. You guessed it, when asked to share, I blubbered like a fool. Isn't surprising I know. It was bound to happen. So there it went. But still good times. Played frisbee afterwards in the park by my house and Starbucks here we come! Isn't it great that there is a Starbucks anywhere and everywhere here? I just love it, personally. What is it about people who work at Starbucks? Is there a rule that you have to be kind of artsy or weird looking or "interesting"? Granted, they are not ALL like this, but for the most part. I've never seen an ugly Starbucks person. Just a thought.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Random Thougths

So I had the morning off, praise the Lord! So I decided I would learn Spanish. I went up to Barnes & Noble and got a book and wrote down some stuff. I've decided I'm going to keep going on this. I have come to realize that when life gets stressful I want to forget my world so I get these "great" ideas to try new things and do new things. This morning it was Spanish.

So remember the stressfulness of my car and my phone both being broken. I thougth they were both going to be fixed yesterday, but it seems things are worse today than they were yesterday as far as circumstances. But I am better today. I am sure that is the Holy Spirit. I know God is using this to teach me something, but I don't know yet, what it is. I know, I're thinking, it's obvious what He's teaching you. But I think it's more than that. I think this is something that is a part of something He's trying to teach me. There is a bigger picture here that I'm not seeing. I'm just going to be alert to what it is and hopefully I'll get it.

I don't know if any of you have moments where you want to be everything and do anything and experience the world for what it is. But I have that a lot. At the moment I am keeping a running list of things I want to do in my life. (I think I may have already talked about this.) The more and more I think about it, I want to move to Europe for a while. I would love to live and work there for a while, not forever, just a while. Italy sounds wonderful and so does Spain. And please don't tell me that I don't want to do that. I really don't like it when people say that I don't want to do what I want to do. They don't know. Anyway, off my tangent. I do want to do those things. I want to go to Alaska and Hawaii. I want to learn French, Spanish, and Italian fluently. (These, I feel, will be a little more difficult, seeing as how they are completely different languages. It has taken me 22 years just to get to speak English as well as I do.) Some friends of mine, Heather and Steve, and I have decided that in the summer of 2005 we are going to backpack across Europe. That is pretty exciting and something that definitely needs to happen no matter what. I need to work on this whole saving money thing.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004


Today has to be one of the most frustrating days I've had in a long time. There needs to be a seminar taught to the entire nation on efficiency. car stopped working on Sunday afternoon. So I have had no mode of transportation. What else is new? Last Thursday my phone stopped working, so I have had no mode of communication. And prior to my car not working, one of my tires went completely flat on me and I currently have a donut on it. I got my car towed this morning and it should be done by tomorrow, praise the Lord! I tried to get my phone fixed today, but no can do. I don't know how that is all going to play out. I truly believe that God is trying to get my attention through many different arenas. He's trying to teach me something through this. Not sure of everything yet, but I'm sure it will come. It always does. So it is comforting to know that everythign that is happening is for nothing. There is a lesson involved, just waiting for it. Looking around. Meantime....frustration. Ultimate at 4:30 today will ease some frustration and I will be able to run it out. That will be nice.