Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Random Thougths

So I had the morning off, praise the Lord! So I decided I would learn Spanish. I went up to Barnes & Noble and got a book and wrote down some stuff. I've decided I'm going to keep going on this. I have come to realize that when life gets stressful I want to forget my world so I get these "great" ideas to try new things and do new things. This morning it was Spanish.

So remember the stressfulness of my car and my phone both being broken. I thougth they were both going to be fixed yesterday, but it seems things are worse today than they were yesterday as far as circumstances. But I am better today. I am sure that is the Holy Spirit. I know God is using this to teach me something, but I don't know yet, what it is. I know, I're thinking, it's obvious what He's teaching you. But I think it's more than that. I think this is something that is a part of something He's trying to teach me. There is a bigger picture here that I'm not seeing. I'm just going to be alert to what it is and hopefully I'll get it.

I don't know if any of you have moments where you want to be everything and do anything and experience the world for what it is. But I have that a lot. At the moment I am keeping a running list of things I want to do in my life. (I think I may have already talked about this.) The more and more I think about it, I want to move to Europe for a while. I would love to live and work there for a while, not forever, just a while. Italy sounds wonderful and so does Spain. And please don't tell me that I don't want to do that. I really don't like it when people say that I don't want to do what I want to do. They don't know. Anyway, off my tangent. I do want to do those things. I want to go to Alaska and Hawaii. I want to learn French, Spanish, and Italian fluently. (These, I feel, will be a little more difficult, seeing as how they are completely different languages. It has taken me 22 years just to get to speak English as well as I do.) Some friends of mine, Heather and Steve, and I have decided that in the summer of 2005 we are going to backpack across Europe. That is pretty exciting and something that definitely needs to happen no matter what. I need to work on this whole saving money thing.


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