Sunday, March 06, 2005

Him first

I think that in my last I talked about how I didn't feel as though I had anyone to share with here and anyone to talk to and blah, blah, blah. Well...after much time spent with God yesterday afternoon, I feel as though either He planned this or He's using this time to draw me closer to Himself. When there's no one else I'm forced to rely on God. You know when you need advice or have to make a decision or don't know what to do? Who do you turn to? Do you turn to God first? I don't. Honestly, I turn to my friends. And they are wonderful friends, but they aren't who I should be turning to for answers, at least first. So with no one here to share with or lean on or ask advice I have been forced to pray and seek God. And after much prayer I then feel as though I can ask others. Besides we are to seek wise and godly counsel from each other. And my close friends are some of the godliest women I know. I wouldn't trust anyone else. But it's been good to realize this and have God open my eyes to see this. Him first, always.

I talked to Sara today (wonderful time!!!) and I was trying my best to put into words what I'm feeling about leaving for CO and Kingdom Building Ministries. The past few months people have been asking me when I'm leaving and I just say whenever I raise all of the money. But within the past few weeks I've really been feeling like I should be preparing myself for leaving like it's going to be soon. So am making the preparations to leave. I feel as though it's going to be soon and God is paving the way. He has answered the prayer for a safe and inexpensive way to get out to CO. I have a new car that will get me and my stuff there! Praise God!

Oh, I think I'm going to play softball with the church. I'm so thrilled. I really miss playing organized sports and having practice and the such. How wonderful is this going to be?

I am so itching to be outside and go hiking and play outside. I mean I really want to play. I want to go hiking or kayaking or white-water rafting or ride my bike or swim or play volleyball or something. I'm tired of winter and being cold. I want to wear flip-flops and capris and sleevesless shirts and wear my sunglasses and have a tan and wear no makeup and open my sunroof and drive with the windows down and get slushies from Sonic. Doesn't all of that sound wonderful? I can't wait.


Blogger Amy said...

I'm with you, girl...missing the flip-flops. It's snowing outside right now :(

I PRAY that you make it out to CO soon...specifically in the next four weeks...because not only do I want you to be able to begin living out what God has for you there...also for selfish reasons because I may be making a weekend visit, freak out!! I'll keep you posted...

4:55 PM  

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