Wednesday, December 07, 2005


So...overseas ministry. Why is this so appealling? Well....I have many reasons, but I think one of the top ones for me is the chance to finally live a life completely dependent on Christ for everything. When I travel overseas for missions purposes I feel God closer to me than most any other time. I have to ask myself why?

When I'm home I'm so distracted by "life" and responsibilities and TV and depending on people around me. But when I'm overseas I'm struck by the hopelessness that is all around these people. I'm struck by my own selfishness and greed. It's not like there aren't hopeless people in America or that I don't ever see my selfishness and greed here, but it's all just flashing at me when I leave here.

I'm finally not distracted and I'm not running around like crazy just trying to survive life. I am in that country for a purpose and I know what that purpose is. I'm focused on a goal. I see it in front of me. And at the same time I know that although God put me there, I cannot do it alone. It need Him and I don't want to do it without Him. There's this hunger that's indescribable. Your eyes are opened and your heart is ready. I can't really explain it. If you've ever been on missions trips overseas before you know what I'm talking about.

All of this to say, I think all of us hunger for something like this in our walks with God. We talk about wanting to be completely dependent on Christ for everything, but the reality is that we don't have to be while living in the US (at least we don't think we do), it's only when we leave this place and get into places out of our comfort zone and places where we see Christ alive, really alive in people's hearts and lives that we truly depend on Him. We have no other choice. That's why it's so appealling to me. I want that. I do.

Lovin' life...