Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Will this day ever end?

These past three days have just drug on! I can't handle it. Every afternoon it's the same thing, LONG!

I am currently racking my brain as to what to get people for Christmas. I have no idea what to get some people and it's driving me nuts. I'm running out of ideas.

And...can I say that Denver is worse than Chicago today as far as the wind goes. I almost got blown over today walking into Starbucks. No really, I almost did.

But on another note...I'm so thankful that I have Christ in my life and that I don't have to go through life alone without Him. How dreadful would that be! I would like to say I couldn't imagine it, but I can. I went 18 years without Him and it was dreadful! I was praying to God this morning and remembering a verse that our Bible study memorized a few weeks ago, "Worry about nothing; instead pray about everything." God reminded me to stop worrying about something and to pray about instead. So I did. I put it before the Lord and gave it to Him wihtout picking it up again and He was faithful. Big surprise, huh?

He was faithful and He calmed me and took the burden from me. He answered my prayer and reassured me that He cares about the tiny parts of my life as well as the big ones and smiled on me. I can say that I am now at peace. Thankfully.


Blogger Amy said...

I'm with you on the Christmas ideas problem. Argh.

5:36 AM  
Blogger Nick said...

This has been the longest week in the world...EVER!

Maybe it's just because of the Thanksgiving break and all, but I'm having a hard time making it through a full 5-day work week.

10:59 AM  

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