Friday, November 05, 2004

The mountains or die!

So...this afternoon I am headed out into the woods for the weekend to go backpacking and camping with my dad, brother, and cousin, Matthew. We're leaving this afternoon and returning Sunday afternoon. It should be fun and I'm excited cause I haven't been in a long time, especially with the fam. I'll let you know how it goes.

This week has been another fun-filled week. My friend Aaron led his roommate to Christ Wednesday night, so that of course was the highlight. I saw Friday night lights last night. Pretty good movie, not as good as Remember the Titans, but still good. Tim McGraw is so mean in that movie, I didn't like that. We started Powder Puff Practice and we have our first game Sunday night against the Rough Tough Pink Stuff. It should be pretty exciting! My roommate, Karla, has been sick now for 10 days. She's finally going to the doctor and I'm glad for her. She's been so frustrated sitting around the house for almost two weeks. I can't imagine. A good friend gave me the best book I've ever read, "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers. Amy, thank you for recommending it to me. Shannon, thank you for buying it for me. That book is amazing. I can't put it down. I have been reading that instead of doing school work, whoops. As much as Francine Rivers is a female who writes for females. I think every man should read this book. Michael Hosea shows a perfect example of a man loving his wife. It's the sweetest and the most heart-wrenching. It's wonderful!

40 days until graduation, counting the day of, weekends and Thanksgiving Break. I can't believe it. It's so exciting!!!!!

Let me just say one more time, that home groups are so encouraging. I love going over the Dunagan's house and seeing the same people each week and catching up with them. It's encouraging to hear how God is working in other people's lives as well as mine. I love hearing about it and being able to pray for them and pray over them and carrying each other's burdens. It's wonderful. I'm really going to miss it when I leave. :(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. » »

7:17 PM  

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