Friday, October 15, 2004

9 weeks!

I have a little over 9 weeks until graduation! A little over eight until my last exam and 8 weeks until my last class in college. It's crazy, exciting and scary, but yea!!!!

I spoke at a church this past weekend and I did so well. Really, I did. But before you think, "Wow, she's arrogant." It was totally and completely God. I do'nt like to speak in front of people and I'm not that good at it. I was so nervous before I went up there, but God took complete control and He spoke through me up there. I didn't have to use my notes and things really flowed. Thanks be to God for doing His thang.

Honestly, this week has been a little blah. I can't tell you why exactly, I don't really know. Nothing traumatic has happened or anything bad. It's just not been great. I think I'm just thinking about things too much and pondering on them for way too long, which is making me worried. So....instead of casting all of my burdens on Him, they are hanging over me, which is weighing me down. Prayers please.

One wonderful thing that I can say is that it is good to be alive. I am constantly amazed at how beautiful life is. God created it to be so beautiful and we create to be something ugly. Is it so hard/bad to rejoice at life, really rejoice? God is beautiful and I'm seeing that more and more each day. Words cannot express. Lately, ideas, dreams, thoughts, visions have just been overwhelming. I don't believe they are coincidences. At a time when I feel more alive with Christ and more in love with Him than ever I believe He's putting these there. It's exciting really. I can't wait to see what happens.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » »

9:06 AM  

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