Friday, March 24, 2006

What's going on?'s been forever hasn't it? I'm sure there's actually no one checking this now. But I'll still write. I have hope:)

So...I'm in a spiritual funk, just to be honest. You know Christianeze? I don't think that's actually a word. But I've been surrounded by a couple of people that are super over spiritual about things. Do you know what I mean? Like what they're saying and doing is fake and can't possibly be real. If you know what I mean you know what I mean. But if you don't than I can't possibly explain it to you, sorry. You know it when you see it. Anyway, I've been surrounded by these people and it kind of makes me sick and makes me want nothing to do with it. Real life walks and faith and hardships is what I want to see from people. Anyway, that doesn't really explain what's going on I guess, that's just part of it.

I'm struggling with wanting to do anything related to Christianity or my walk. I mean, I want it. I'm hungry for it and I desire it but there's something keeping me from it.

I think I'm running from something...or someone.

I just have to find my footing I guess and figure some things out. The past two months have really made me evaluate a lot of things/people in my life. It's good, but a little scary and uncomfortable at the same time. But yeah, definitely not on a spiritual mountain right now, that's for sure. So...there you have. it.


Blogger Amy said...

girl, you know I've been here patiently waiting for you to post.

I'm sorry to hear you're in a funk :( I've been wondering how you're doing since getting back from India...I'll try to give you a call soon. I miss you!

4:42 PM  
Blogger SaraEliza said...

I'm still reading and praying for you! Keep writing. It's amazing how getting your thoughts out can help you see things more clearly. I love you and Miss you!

5:38 AM  

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