Tuesday, June 28, 2005


I have been traveling so much lately with work and just so much stuff to do that I have really missed out on true fellowship. I went to NYC this past weekend where I met up with my parents and some of my supporters. I also got to see Becky Ogburn, a childhood friend, whom I haven't seen since we graduated from high school. She was so New York and very fashionable. She definitely put me to shame. Not to say that I have a whole lot of fashion sense or anthing.

Back to the fellowship thing. I go to Bible study when I can and to church when I can. Now, before you get all over me and wonder why I don't go to these things regularly, I do go....when I can. I am sometimes out of town on business or with bible study I have work things in the evening. And...although I hang out with these great people, I don't really know them and have true fellowship, and although I know this will take time to develop, I could really use some now. I'm tired of getting to know people and doing "chit chat".

But I will say that I had lunch with an old friend today. Kristen, a roommate from college who moved out here last summer has been an amazing friend and lifesaver to me. She introduced me to her church and her friends and it's been wonderful. (I think I already told you this.) Anyway, she and I meet every other week for lunch. I pick her up from her office and we usually go for Thai food. We have a great time every time. We just chat and share. We talk about work and things we like to do in the future. But today was especially nice. We talked about things we were struggling with spiritually and were very vulnerable, which was a breath of fresh air. We talked about things that we would like to see happen with the women in our Bible study. And I think we're going to start an accountability group, me, her, and our friend, Brynn. I'm so excited because this is what I've been praying for and God has answered!

God does amaze a lot! Yesterday morning I was completely struggling at work, just not into it. That's how I've been for about 2 weeks and it finally got to be too much because I was so frustrated. I took my lunch break and went to Jamba Juice and sat outside at the little picnic tables. I just prayed and wrote in my journal about my frustration and asked God to help and restore the passion and desire I once had for work and the ministry here. I promise you, without eve realizing it, I walked into the office and my entire outlook and heart had changed. I was back to my little ol' self. It was wonderful. God answered immediatley.


Blogger Amy said...

Kathryn, I miss you so much! I miss being out in Denver with you...after two summers together it seems weird that you're out there this summer, and I am not!

Glad to hear God is meeting you and working in you--I know He's working through you as well! Love you girl!

8:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP

6:30 PM  

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