Thursday, January 13, 2005

Umm...can I go to the bathroom?

So...Kindergarden...very fun!!! They were sooo cute! About every 2 minutes they asked to go to the bathroom, which was annoying/cute. But they were so precious in their little clothes with their pigtails, loose teeth, shoes that light up, and snack packs for lunch. Sooo adorable.

But can I tell you how exhausted I am? I haven't had to get up at 6:00 am since this summer and I haven't really done anything since November. I am pooped. But I didn't have to cook tonight. Tonight was La Fiesta night. Every Thursday is La Fiesta night with the fam. Good eatin'.

Tomorrow it's swim time. Doin' laps for exercise. I have got to find my suit. It's packed somewhere and it's nowhere to be found. Better look harder.


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