Friday, July 02, 2004

Some things never change.

So...just went to my sister's blog. She has some picture of herself in punk form. Yeah, I really don't know what that's about. She went through this stage in middle/high school where she was kind of punkish, I thought she had gone out of that stage, but apparently not. Some things never change.

Just sitting here at my desk, which is covered with mess. No matter how many times I clean it off or rearrange or organize, there is always stuff EVERYWHERE. I can't handle. I just want it to be clean. I need someone to come clean it for me. That would be nice. Maybe I just shouldn't have so much stuff. That would probably make sense and by very sensible of me. But what do I do I do with all of it? Where does it go? I don't know.

So...I just finished reading everyone else's blogs, I bet they don't even know I read them, but I do. Lee's, lb's, tolbert's, joshua and matt's, Shua's, my sister's, and Lanna's. Great way to know what's going on with people.

I fear that I am not as interesting as most are. But oh well, I like writing, it's like therapy for me or something. I write in a journal, but sometimes it's really just easier to type things, you know?

This morning we had our concert of prayer to send the high school students overseas. It was a great time or p and w and great times for prayer for the students and for the people of China. Good times were had by all.

I think I'm going to go home early today. I have everything done that I need to, so I don't know, that may be in the works. I'll probably clean my desk off before I go on vacation, and possibly head up to Jamba Juice, get a Mango A-go-go (so good), and go to Barnes & Noble and do some reading. Possibly work on learning my Spanish, oh well, thank you!

One last thing...what is all of this about discipline and rebuking and hardship stuff, Tolbert made a great point yesterday about love. You can do whatever you want to "develop" yourself spiritually or to help "develop" others, but if you don't have love, it's pointless and worthless. It's as simple as that. Why don't people get it?