Monday, July 26, 2004


Can I just be personal for one moment. I know that so many times on this here blog I just write about everyday stuff. People have told me that I'm not one to open up very easily. I don't believe that to be true. But they're the ones that I'm opening up to (or not), so they should know I guess. Anyway, the point of this. Yesterday evening I was sitting in Starbucks drinking a white mocha (my favorite), writing in my journal about all of my blessings. Thinking and looking back on God's hand in my life. No matter what anyone else says I believe I am truly one of the most blessed people in this entire world for many, many reasons. I have an AMAZING family that I love with all of my being. They are all Christians who love the Lord. They are all growing in their walk and they desire to love God and give Him all of themselves. They are servants to eachother and strangers and they are hilarious. They are quirky and funny, and fun to be around and none of them ever meet a stranger. Everything they have is everyone else's. They are encouraging and supportive of anything and everything I venture on in life. Thank you my dear family!

God has also granted me the pleasure of meeting and becoming friends with incredible people who love the Lord. From Freshman year at Anderson College God has put wonderful people in my life. People who encourage me in my walk, get in my face when need be, love me for who I am and am not, and walk alongside me when things are hard. You guys are funny and fun to be around and are a wonderful example of the Body of Christ that God designed.

God has blessed me with a wonderful school (despite what some may think). He's blessed me with amazing opportunities that most would and could only dream of. I have seen Europe, Asia, Africa, and countries in there. I have seen so many other cultures that most only read about in National Geographic. I have worked for two absolutely incredible ministry places in the world: New Spring Community Church and Kingdom Building Ministries. It was my dream when I was 14 to go to Africa and he gave me that dream. Later it was dream to work for NSCC and KBM and I have.

God gave me salvation and called me to Himself. And He gave me a heart that yearns for Him constantly. God has guarded my heart even when I have not wanted to and kept from things He knew I could not do or do right. Can or should I even go on? This would be the longest blog ever (I think it already is). The point of all of this is that I am incredibly blessed with this and soo, sooo much more. I know this and am grateful. Thank you Jesus for love, life, and learning.

"If I could speak in any language in heaven or on earth but didn't love others, I would only be making meaningless noise like a loud gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I knew all teh mysteries of the future and knew everything about everything, but didn't love others, what good would I be? and if I had the gift of faith so that I could speak to a mountain and make it move, without love I would be no good to anybody. If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn't love others, I would be of no value whatsoever."
1 Corinthians 13: 1-3


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