Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!

So...I'm back in Colorado! I'm really glad to be back. I loved South Carolina and I loved seeing people, but there's no place like home. And being as Colorado has now become my home, there's no place like here:)

I know that some of you have asked what it feels like to live here and how do I feel about it and so forth and I've responded that I wasn't sure because it still felt like it did every other summer that I was here and I thought it would finally hit me when I was here during a holiday. Well, I didn't have to wait for the holiday. Yesterday, October 10th, Denver got it's first snowfall of the season. It snowed somewhere between 3 and 6 inches and it snowed ALL day! [I had the day off from work!!!] Well...now it's hit me. I sat at the conference table this morning during prayer and thought to myself, "Now it feels like a live here." It does, it finally feels way different and this place truly does feel like home and I'm grateful.

Now, as far as my trip to SC....WOW....it was great! I spent a lot of time with one of my dear friends, Sara, her husband, Matt and their new little baby boy, Lucas. I saw dear, dear friends from college and I got to see my sister, whom I had an absolute ball with, and my mom and Pop-Pop, Aunt Teresa, Aunt Kristie, Aunt Becky and cousins. It was great. I saw two friends from growing up in Charleston! I had two alumni gatherings, which was a first and I thought, very successful! I got to see a lot of my supporters and I hope I was encouraging! I went to Catalyst, a leadership conference in Atlanta. AMAZING! I learned so much in those two days and God's still teaching me even afterwards! I am so blessed and continually humbled!

I'll have to write more tomorrow. Oh, and I've got lots of pics!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Amy said...

I was wondering if you missed that first huge snow! I thought I heard that Denver got more like 10-12 inches?? Anyway, glad you got back for it--here I thought you were still in the South and dodged the bullet :) I still can't believe it is snowing there already!

Can't wait to hear more about your trip. I've been thinking of you and praying for you!

9:15 AM  

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