Thursday, April 13, 2006

So...I've been really concerned/frustrated/bothered by a few things that have gone in the past few days, actually one week to be exact.
I feel at a loss of what to do, if anything about this situation, wondering if it's hopeless.  Let me try to explain/elaborate.
Remember a post a wrote, I think two posts ago about alcohol?  Okay, this is a subject that continually comes up out here between me and well...some of my friends. 
I know I have said it before, but I don't find anything wrong with the alcohol, the actual drink or consumption of it. have to know your culture, where you are, the people you're with, what's expected of you or not expected of you, the outcomes from drinking it, and (here's the kicker) how it all affects your witness for Christ. 
I find this topic similar to the topic of clothing, relationships, cussing, etc.  To explain: the issue of "inappropriate" clothing is not stated directly in the Bible.  It talks about not making your brother or sister stumble and it talks of being of modest dress.  Who determines what modest is and who determines what inappropriate is?  Then there the issue of relationships.  Some people believe that relationships between girls and guys are just like same sex friendships.  Some think that they should be totally separate.  There are lines that could be crossed and those lines are thin and gray.  But who determines the lines?  What is appropriate?  Then there's cussing.  The Bible talks about only using language the is useful to others and builds them and not letting any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth.  Well...apparently cussing is considered wholesome and uplifting and encouraging to others within Christian circles because I'm hearing it all around me.
And here we are again at the alcohol.  Biblically, you're not supposed to get drunk.  Ok.  But what about drinking alcohol altogether?  Everyone in the Bible did it, so why can't I, is what people are saying?  Point taken.  But then there's scripture talking about not making your brother or sister stumble and there's the whole thing about if your brother finds meat to be unclean then don't eat meat around them to be respectful.  Ok.  There's the witness within the culture you're in and the people that you're around.
All of this, alcohol, cussing, clothing, guy/girl relationships are all topics that I stand firm on my convictions of.  But as I've noted within the past week and a couple of conversations, including one I had last night with two other people, people don't listen to my convictions or think they're worth anything because they think that I have them because I'm from the South and have a conservative background rather than thinking, uh, maybe it's because that's what God's convicted me of?  Why do I get written off immediately because I'm from the South?  Has anyone stopped to think that great things can come from the South? 
Maybe the real problem is not that I am too conservative but the world has become too liberal and open with everything.  Just a thought. 
I'm concerned because all of these major issues are becoming "no big deals" within Christian circles and eventually won't be on the radar at all.  I'm starting to not be able to tell the difference between Christians and Non-Christians.  Where's the light in the darkness?  Where are the people in Jesus likeness that stick out like a sore thumb in a crowd?  I'm just as guilty.  Sometimes it's easier to blend than to stick out, I get it. 
But God's showing me that it's worth it.  Even among Christians where I should blend with them, I'm sticking out and it's okay.  I tried to blend for too long.  It's enough.  I have to ask myself, "What is my legacy?  Is Jesus smiling or shaking His head at me?  Am I a bright light or a dim one or even maybe adding to the darkness? 
Just a lot of stuff that I'm wrestling through and trying to figure out for myself.  Thanks for letting me share.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Maybe the real problem is not that I am too conservative but the world has become too liberal and open with everything. Just a thought." This is what is going on, Kat.

I appreciate you sharing your convictions - it's good to know that there are other Christ Followers out there who still believe in these and don't always live in the grey.

Stay true to yourself and to Christ.


11:14 PM  

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