Thursday, April 27, 2006


Well...I have spent this past weekend and this week making wedding shower invitations for my friend Kristen.  Actually  Brynn and I both worked hard on them.  But tonight is hopefully the end of it.  I made a few more today to hand out at Exodus (our small group) in case we forgot people or there were new people (we want everyone to feel welcome don't we?).
Last night I went over to some new and good friends of mine's house, Matt and Mille.  We had a really good time and wonderful food that they sent home with me!  We had Halibut and Salmon (caught by a friend of his in Alaska!) cooked on cedar planks.  We had potatoes, asparagus, spinach salad and cheese tortellini with a dip.  It was so yummy!  And then we ended the evening with the biggest chocolate chip cookie I've ever eaten (made by their daughter, Kelly).  She made it special for me:)  And they sent me home with some soy beans (oh, we also had those steamed), halibut and two cookies!  I'm saving it for a special occasion.
Maybe my special occasion will be this weekend!  My, Kristen and Brynn are going to the mountains!  This was planned a while back and we're all excited to get away for the weekend in Winter Park!  You know what we're going to do?
Nothing except hang out, take nice walks, read, eat good food, watch movies and chat up a storm!  Oh and we're tying tool around some vases for Kristen's wedding.  But that's going to take place during the movies, we won't even notice that we're doing it!  I don't think:)
And tonight...Exodus!  That's right baby.  We're studying Daniel and Twila's cooking.  I'm eatin' good again tonight!  25 people learning how to love God better and eatin' good food at the same time.  What better time could I be having on a Thursday night?  Ladies night somewhere?  I think not!