Saturday, December 30, 2006

Remembering why

Today I was reminded on many things that I'm thankful for and many reasons as to why.
First off, I'm reading a wonderful book called "The Search for Significance" by Robert S. McGee.  Today while sitting in Starbucks drinking my peppermint hot chocolate I was reading about how our parents are to be models of Christ's love for us.  And if they aren't the models they are supposed to be, trying as hard as they can, God still puts relationships or friendships in your path as people to be those models for you.  As I was reading about this I was reminded of how blessed I am by the many friendships I have all over this country and this world and how truly incredible those people are.  I can think of so many examples of times when my friends of shown me Christ's love and been a perfect of example of grace to me.  How truly thankful I am.
I also sat down with my mom today to show her the new Pioneers video that I got in the mail a couple of weeks ago.  I hadn't even watched it yet.  I wanted her to see it so that she would be better acquainted with Pioneers and feel more comfortable with me working with them.  But little did I know that I was the one who needed to see it.
I sat there astonished at how my heart was leaping out of my chest and how glad I was that it was doing it.  It had been a long time.  There were times that I was overwhelmed at what I was hearing and what I was seeing, but more at how the Lord was speaking to me.  He was reminding me of my calling.  I have been fighting it still, having questions and doubts of what the future holds for me not wanting to trust Him because it was just too difficult.  A girl spoke on the video about how a life that is not completely devoted and surrendered to God is no life worth living and I would have to agree.  I remember back to even a couple of months ago when I was more surrendered than I have ever been.  I was engrossed in the Word and I had a solid group of encouraging believers encouraging me daily and two amazing, amazing girlfriends that spurred me on to holiness.  This I miss greatly!  The joy and peace I felt was indescribable and I want it back.  The problem is that I was depending on them and not God to be my source of encouragement.  Christ is my true home.  There will be many times while I am overseas that I will be "alone".  In those places Christ will be my home.  I am understanding now that God is using this time away from my life in Colorado to prepare me for overseas. 
God, prepare my heart to make it home for you, to make you my home. Be my complete joy, encouragement and peace.   Open my eyes to see you in every facet of this world and allow me to look in the eyes of those who don't know you and see that they too are to be loved and that it's not too late. 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im so touched by your words, but more importantly,you heart. Thank you .

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friend! I think I lost your email address....but I know that you asked me for mine...sorry it's taken me forever to get back to you. I hope you had a great Christmas and New Years! We need to catch up soon! My email address is njg2979 at hotmail

10:54 PM  

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