Tuesday, June 01, 2004


Today has to be one of the most frustrating days I've had in a long time. There needs to be a seminar taught to the entire nation on efficiency. Well....my car stopped working on Sunday afternoon. So I have had no mode of transportation. What else is new? Last Thursday my phone stopped working, so I have had no mode of communication. And prior to my car not working, one of my tires went completely flat on me and I currently have a donut on it. I got my car towed this morning and it should be done by tomorrow, praise the Lord! I tried to get my phone fixed today, but no can do. I don't know how that is all going to play out. I truly believe that God is trying to get my attention through many different arenas. He's trying to teach me something through this. Not sure of everything yet, but I'm sure it will come. It always does. So it is comforting to know that everythign that is happening is for nothing. There is a lesson involved, just waiting for it. Looking around. Meantime....frustration. Ultimate at 4:30 today will ease some frustration and I will be able to run it out. That will be nice.